MIBA to Provide Remote Visual Inspection Solution to PARCO Mid –Country Refinery
PARCO has managed their Inspection requirement of their critical machinery Hidden parts through World famous Inspection Videoscope of Olympus IPLEX FX

MIBA to Supply Remote Visual Inspection Solution to Mari Petroleum Limited
Mari Petroleum Limited being one of major Oil & Gas organization in Pakistan is in process of development of their in house Inspection resources

MIBA to provide Services for Developing Condition Based Monitoring Program for Rotary Plant Assets
Hub Power Services Limited who is Plant Operation and Maintenance Contractor at 330 MW Coal Fired Thal Nova Power

Pakistan Company is going to Network License of Machinery Health Manager through Emerson
Pakistan Company Limited being a loyal user of Machinery Health Manager

MIBA has upgraded Machinery Health Manager Program Limited, Goth Machi
As part of their one year contract with MIBA in Year 2020. FFC when on another upgrade of MHM version and now at Latest level of MHM is on their plant.

Miba To provide portable VA accesories
miba has recived an official purache order from 50MW cold fired power plant from Karachi.implemented vibration monitoring program on their critical and assential plan