MIBA to Provide Remote Visual Inspection Solution to PARCO Mid –Country Refinery

PARCO Mid Country Refinery is going to upgrade their Inspection tools and Assets.  For more than one decade, PARCO has managed their Inspection requirement of their critical machinery Hidden parts through World famous Inspection Videoscope of Olympus IPLEX FX. Since IPLEX FX has been retired since 2012 and after completing smooth transition period of 12 years support and spares, it is going to out of support in 2023. To continue their Inspection program and keep their inventory updated, PARCO had decided to purchase a new unit of Videoscope. Through open bidding process and evaluation of number of competitors solutions, PARCO has finalised IPLEX GX/ GT which is a replacement of IPLEX FX and awarded a contract to MIBA. MIBA will deliver the scope and provide training to users for smooth technology transfer.